Whether you are achieving a goal or not today, your intention to improve your health and well-being is really worthwhile. Trust your intention! And no matter what happened yesterday, each day is a new opportunity.

Need encouragement to help you accomplish your goal?
Listen to some motivating clips for inspiration

Check-in on how you are feeling
Your feelings matter! Each day, feel free to click on the green, yellow and red stoplight icons on the check-in page. The lights will give you different support messages depending on how you are feeling.
Want to learn something new?
Interested in learning how to manage thoughts and feelings that interfere with your health goals? Check out the science of brain health and evidence for setting goals in each of the 5 key health areas on the Fountain of Health website. The “Bus Driver” analogy and other strategies developed by Drs. Steven Hayes and Russ Harris can also be very useful! Check out Dr. Harris’ book The Happiness Trap as a great starting place.

Check out some new self-care resources
Check out the Positive Thinking and Mental Health resources where you can find resources, including mindfulness strategies, online yoga, and positive thinking exercises.